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Friday, January 8, 2010

Nature's Baby Organics - (A REVIEW)

Adena Surabian, the founder of Nature’s Baby Organics never imagined she would be looking up chemical compounds on the internet, but that's exactly what she did in 2004 when her one-year-old daughter broke out in a mysterious rash all over her body. After trying for days to find the cause of her blotchy and inflamed skin, Adena sat down at the computer with an armful of products; everything from shampoo and conditioner to sunscreen and baby lotion.

Already the owner of a successful online child safety store, Adena was attuned to the latest trends in the baby industry. So she set out to research and to develop a line of hair and skincare products that a mother would delight in putting on her child. During the two year development and testing process, Adena's second daughter was born and she suffered from severe eczema, so it seemed that yet again she faced another challenge to address. Adena spent over two years in research and development. Careful work with bio-chemists and formulators convinced Adena that only natural and organic ingredients would create products that were not only safe, but also wonderful for babies and families to use. Nature's Baby Organics was born in 2005. Every ingredient used, every process of manufacture, from the essential oils to the cleaning agents, is 100 percent derived from nature.

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