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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

“Baby’s Home… What Now?” DVD (A LISTING)


When the creators of the DVD “Baby’s Home… What Now?” had their first child, they felt like most parents: happy,but overwhelmed. They looked for advice in all the usual parenting books, but there was so much information out there, much of it contradictory, that they often found themselves unable to relate and confused. So they decided to create a new guide. With a team of experts and a band of new parents, they set out to create a DVD with these goals:

* Deliver down-to-earth advice that makes new parents’ lives easier and not more complicated.
* Give confidence so they can enjoy the first few months with their newborn.
* Pass along firsthand tips from other parents about what you’ll really need to prepare your home.
* Relate honest opinions and guidance from parents about breastfeeding, sleepless nights and crying.
* Provide a guide not just for new moms but also for new dads.
* Reassure new parents that they can adjust to the new family dynamic without sacrificing intimacy.


Price is $ 24.95

A promo video is available at youtube

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